Spiritual Direction is a call to an ever deeper understanding of others, ourselves, and the Divine. It is a way of growing a personal spirituality apart from, or in conjunction with, organized religion.

“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.”

~ Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

Spiritual direction advocates claim that it develops a deeper awareness with the spiritual aspect of being human, and that it is not psychotherapy, counseling, or financial planning.

Once a five-year-old whose mommy had just given birth to a new baby kept asking to spend some time alone with his new sister. When his parents asked him why he wanted this alone time with the new baby, the five-year-old said that he needed it because he was starting to forget God.


Tom grew up in the church but felt shame, guilt, and rejection when he realized because of being homosexual, he was “unacceptable.” Tom wants a spiritual community with deep accepting relationships. Tom desperately wants to understand and feel God’s love.

‘If it weren’t for Christians, I’d be a Christian?’

~ Gandhi

One Sunday morning Gandhi decided that he would visit one of the Christian churches in Calcutta. Upon seeking entrance to the church sanctuary, he was stopped at the door by the ushers.

Ghandi was told he was not welcome, nor would he be permitted to attend this church as it was for high-caste Indians and whites only. He was neither high caste, nor was he white. Because of the rejection, the Mahatma turned his back on Christianity.

Come and ask all the questions on your heart.

I won’t have all the answers, but we’ll enjoy the seeking together.


You woke up this morning with the “weirdest” dream ever. It just doesn’t make any sense, and it was almost a nightmare. What does it mean…….or is it just nonsense?

“Until you make the unconscious [dreams] conscious, it will direct your life, and you will call it fate.”

― C.G. Jung

Dream work is the intentional commitment to recording your nightly dreams, and, with some assistance, processing the dream images so that you understand the messages contained in the dream.

“All dreams come in the service of health and wholeness.”

~ Jeremy Taylor

The wonder and curiosity which is integral to dream work carries over to other areas of life, bringing along a greater comfort with mystery, uncertainty, and paradox. Dream work offers a method for healing old wounds, living more fully and joyfully each day, increasing self-awareness, improving understanding of our life purpose, and integrating new understandings.

Bring your dreams and an open mind. We will sift through the sands of the dreamscape to find the jewels of meaning buried for your discovery.